Tuesday, November 9, 2010

About My Term Research Paper

My paper topic is an impact of social networking sites in today's society. A reason why I choose this topic is because popularity of social networking sites rapidly increased this past few years. Also it is unavoidable to talk about new media without dealing with Social networking sites. I pretty much did all research by using library database.

It would never been possible for web-based social networking sites to gain popularity without improvement of technology, particularly rapid improvement of Smartphone. By corroborating with Smartphone, connecting with rest of social networking members became more convenient and enjoyable than ever. There are many factors, which plays important role of one’s online behavior such as gender, age, and one’s characteristic like introvert or extrovert. The most influential characteristic is introvert or extrovert. Unlike extroverts, introverts tend to rely heavily onto online networking rather than interacting with people in the real world, which often cause them too sensitive about what others talking about online. Also dealing with personal information issue gets more and more complex. A lot of young people let strangers be in their community where they reveal traceable information such as gender, age, and email address. Those information often bring legal issue like whether being rejected for job was based on the revealed information online or something else. In addition, even though using web-based social networking sites made users life more convenient, some of researchers prefer old fashion to reach specific target rather than using web-based social networking sites. Increased popularity of web-based social networking sites has both advantage and disadvantage. It is also predictable that the growth will still go on in the future. Both users and websites need to focus more on disadvantages of online social networking than advantages. In that way, they will realize what they should be careful about better than when they focus on advantages. Also, the legal regulation dealing with personal information and what users are allowed to post should be more strictly formed, in order to avoid a serious incident like a loss of life. People should never commit suicide because of what happen in the virtual world.

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