In this high-tech networked society, anyone is able to spread what he would like to say to rest of the world. Some times it could be a powerful chance of opportunity to take an action. Both blogs and wikis have that aspect, however, the difference between those two are credibility of information. On blogs, users have almost no regulation what they can say and what they can’t. Viewers criticize others opinion which sometimes cause to end up with blogers to delete the post. On the other side, wiki consists of collaborated information by editors. Therefore, wiki has more credibility of sources.
Blogs sometimes become a useful source of information for business. By taking a look at what in blogers’ mind, it makes possible for companies to do marketing research ( Before blogs, facebook, and other social networking site get involved with business, marketing research had more difficulties of grabbing consumer’s demand. After the launch of those web sites, people have almost no hesitation of speaking to rest of the world what’s in their mind right now. In that way, researchers know what they need to produce next.
Twitter is a kind of web site which blogers use for collaboration of their words. The web site totally fits with this rapidly changing society today. Users share what pops up in their mind, which leads others to follow and sometimes it becomes huge business opportunity. Also, blogs can be used for criminal investigations. Neighbors know what is going on the community but do not always let police officers know about it. But once its on a blog, everyone knows who should be kept eyes on (MICHAEL WILSON)
Both blogs and wikis have useful and credible aspect; however, users need to be careful what they say on the web site. Because, it is not like a student passing a secret letter to her friend during a class period. It is a google searchable information. There was one time one of my co-workers posted on facebook what he felt about our customers. Obviously he talked their behind, then he got into serious trouble. So, by saying whatever you want to have some serious risk you need to take.